
Just thought I would take some time this week and highlight a few friends of mine.  The reason I decided to do this is because lately I'm really discovering who my "true" freinds are.  As I discover that truth I am also aware of some characteristics that make them "true" friends.  Each friend brings to the table different characteristics of friendship that I have been learning a lot from.  In the process of discovering who my "friends" are I am discovering those who really are not my "friends."  I have always given people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to relationship but I honestly believe that in and of itself may be foolish when it comes to those you "let in" to that inner circle.  Here are some questions I'm asking:

1.  Who in your life celebrates your success's even when they are experiencing something different?
2. Who in your life is there for you no matter what and will always be there even if they don't agree with your "life" decisions.
3.  Who in your life will be honest with you even when you don't want to hear it. [But still give you the freedom to make your own choices]
4.  Who in your life is more concerned about what is best for you instead of what is best for them?
5.  Who in your life when you are not around and someone is speaking against your character will stick up for you when no one else will?
6.  Who in your life understands your weaknesses and still calls you friend?

These are just a few questions I have been pondering and over this week would like to answer each of those questions with someone in my life who seems to be that kind of friend.  Doesn't mean that is the only trait they have just means it's one they are really good at.  Friendship is important and for me it's something I have taken way to lightly...  

So over the next few days let me introduce you to some "Friends" of mine.


  Paul Hinzman

February 14, 2009 at 9:23 PM

Hello, I left a couple voice mails for you. Give me a call!