Friendship "My Dad"

Ok so I didn't keep up with this each day this week but I want to continue answering these questions on friendship by using people in my life that I feel are the living answers to these questions.  The second question on friendship was "Who in your life is there for you no matter what and will always be there even if they don't agree with your life decisions?"  I know this will sound pretty lame but to me it is so true.  My dad [and Mom] totally fulfill this role in my life.  When I was growing up my parents were clearly my parents.  Not like parents today who try to be friends with their kids.  My mom and dad were my mom and dad.  However as I've grown up my dad and I have become friends.  He was my best man in my wedding and I will always consider him one of my best friends.  Having said that, he has not always agreed with the decisions I make.  Doesn't mean he doesn't love me or isn't proud of me just means he doesn't always agree.  I remember the time I was leading a youth service and I farted in the microphone... It got alot of laughs from the kids in my group but my dad was sitting in that night and did not think that was funny or wise.  But he loved me through it.  That is huge.  I know as a parent that is expected but I also see that quality in him as a friend. What it boils down to is trust.  My dad trusts in the person I am therefore he is trusting that even when I make a discision he doesn't completely agree with he trusts me enough to support me in the midst of it. Dad, you will never know how much I love you and how huge of a hero you are in my life.  Thanks for supporting me and being there for me even when you didn't always agree with my choices.  I love you dad.