Friendship "Zach"

The questions I've been pondering about friendship have really become important questions for me.  And I believe yours and my answers to these questions can really help us discover and determine who are real friends are... or at least who we should allow into that inner circle.  The infamous "circle of trust" that we hear talked about on "Meet The Parents."  This next guy I want to introduce you to has alot of qualities I look for in a friend.  However when it comes to the questions on friendship that I have been asking this particular question makes me think of Zach Sikora.  The question is: "Who in your life, when you are not around and someone is speaking against your character, will stick up for you when no one else will.  Let me just say, I see this all the time.  It's amazing how open people get when the people they are talking about are not around.  It has always impressed me to see people stick up for those who are not there.  Those who are being talked about.  They stand up for their friend and their friends character and that to me is HUGE.  Zach is like that.  As a matter fact the story goes like this:  Zach and Liz[his wife] were out for dinner and someone who knew Natalie and I came up to them and started saying things that were not true about us and attacking our character.  I believe it was Zach who quickly let that person know that not only is their information inaccurate but did not appreciate the things they were saying!  WOW.  That is awesome and that really made me feel good to know my friend had my back.  That is a true friend.  People are always going to talk behind your back but few people will make waves and correct the gossip.  When you find someone who will do that you have found a true friend.  That is courage and respect and I would return the favor for Zach in a heartbeat.  Zach, thanks for always being there to talk and for caring enough to know me in such a way that when someone speaks against my character you have the courage to respond to them.  Love you bro and praying for you.  Your a true friend.