Relational Stewardship

In the church world we hear a lot of messages about giving.  We hear about tithing 10 percent of our income to the Lord.  One 10th off the top of our best.  God clearly talks about tithes and offerings all through scripture and I myself am not opposed to giving 10 percent and often times more.  But it seems like we spend alot of time talking about tithe and stewardship in regards to our money but what about relational stewardship?  What about the giving our lives to others.  What about the 100 percent tithe that Jesus calls us to give in the New Testament?  I guess I'm just wondering if we are faithful to our 10 percent tithe but treat people like CRAP... do we still experience and live in the full blessing of Christ.  Jesus came to this earth to die so that we could have a RELATIONSHIP with the Father.  He spent a majority of His time here on earth pouring into 12 men [BUILDING RELATIONSHIP].  I know people hurt us, I know people let us down, I know people are selfish and only think of themselves but like it or not God brings these people into our lives for a reason.  It seems we often build relationship with people because we know they offer us something.  On the other side of it we break relationship with people, treat them less then a friend or even a person, because we no longer have use for them.  No longer have use for a person God has created.  I believe just as God will hold us accountable for our "Giving" he will hold us accountable for the way we treat his people.  We reap what we sow like it or not.  If we don't stop viewing people as means to accomplish our goals and start viewing them as God's people who he has called us to be in relationship with then we suffer his judgement.  If you have a problem with a brother God calls us to "GO" to them.  If we feel someone has an issue with us, God calls us to "GO" to them.  Its funny how we seem to highlight the principles that we are good at living but down play the importance of the ones we suck at...