Get Rid Of The "Junk"

Following up my blog on NothingButNets, I figured I would share a thought with everyone.  It doesn't have to do with bed nets but with hocky/soccer nets.  I remember a scene from "Mighty Ducks," where they were trying to teach the defense to clean up the junk in front of the net because a majority of the time the opposing team scores off rebounds.  It is interesting to me how often we take care of ourselves physically and spiritually, but rarely do we take care of ourselves mentally.  Everyone of us through situations of life, or people, or simply how we were raised, have junk that we "manage."  What really happens with that junk that we think we manage is it just kinda hangs out "in front of the net" waiting for the "opposing team" to score a goal.  Like anything if we don't deal with it, it gets increasingly worse.  It's no different with our "junk."  I have been seeing a counselor for sometime now and I have to say it has been one of the most enlightening and healthy experiences of my life.  None of us really know how well we are handling the things that life throws at us.  We may think we are managing them, but our junk continues to hurt us, and worse, it effects those we are in relationship with even more.  I not only think it's important and healthy to find yourself on a "couch" talking with someone that God has educated and gifted to help us process those things that seem to really effect us, but I also believe it is absolutely irresponsible not to.  Once a month, twice a month, once a quarter... go take some time and "clean the junk up from in front of the net."  Maybe then you will find your way to freedom from things that you didn't realize were hurting you and those around you... Maybe you will even discover the person God created... Maybe you will for once, hear the "VOICE OF TRUTH"... maybe the enemy will stop using your junk to score goals...