Just Say "Hello"

Have you ever seen someone in public and they didn't say hello to you and you thought, "Wow, how rude is that.  What is wrong with them?"  It happens all the time.  However I've discovered more often then not the other person walks away saying the same thing about you.  What would happen if we stopped waiting for "the other person" to say hello and JUST SAY HELLO!  It doesn't matter if you are mad at them or they are mad at you, if you think they said something hurtful or maybe you said something hurtful, if you haven't seen them in a while or they haven't seen you in awhile, JUST SAY HELLO!  There are so many types of people in the world.  Someone will always find something to complain about or pick at.  Someone once said if you want to find dirt on someone you will find dirt; if you want to find gold you will find gold.  Depending on what someone is digging for determines what they find.  Don't give them room to say anything.  Say hello, love irrationally, be friendly and simply honor those that God created! [That means everyone]  I know it may seem like I'm rambling but to many times it has happened to me and you.  What would happen if you just took the initiative to say hello...