There is a book right now call Every Monday Matters that simply gives you unique things to do on Monday to make a difference. I am going to start off each week by highlighting one of those creative things we can do to make a difference in some way. "EVERYONE has the power of greatness. Not for fame, but greatness. Because greatness is determined by SERVICE." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. So take some time every monday to stop by and read one of these "Every Monday Matters" moments and just try a few of them during the day. So here we go...
Facts: The average person spends:
100 hours a year commuting to work compared to 80 hours of vacation time.
91 hours a week at work for dual-career couples with kids.
1.8 hours a day doing household activities.
2.6 hours a day watching television.
8.6 hours a day sleeping.
"Time is a non-renewable resource. Once it is used up, you can't get it back."
Take Action Today:
1. Stop and think...then make a list of what matters most to you.
2. Create a list of how you curently spend your time each week.
3. Organize your list of weekly activities and identify activities that are required and those that are optional and waste time.
4. Take steps to rearrange your schedule or reduce the optional activities so that you can spend time doing WHAT MATTERS MOST.
5. Don't waste time.
YOU MATTER: What really matters most to you? Your relationships with family, friends, and children? Helping others? Passions? Faith? Security? Health? At the end of each year, don't you want to look back and see that you made a difference? That you matter? Today is the start of something new. Start it off by making a difference in you, in your life, and in the lives of those you love. This is your opportunity. Time spent on what matters most is never a waste of time.
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