Practice Makes Perfect

The encounter is just a few days away.  For those of you who do not know what the Encounter is, its a night of worship that all the churches in the area are invited to be part of.  We have been doing this for over a 4 years now and it is so amazing to see what God is doing.  This coming Sunday, September 14th at 6:00pm we are meeting with over 12 churches for a night a worship.  10 of the churches involved will have their worship pastors on stage as a part of the band and singers along with a choir of people from all the different churches.  I can't tell you how awesome it was tonight to spend a few hours at our last practice.  What an honor and joy to worship with all these people who represent "The Church".  We ended our practice singing the song that we will start The Encounter of with, The Revelation Song.  As we ended the song there was such a sweet moment of silence as we sat in the presence of an awesome God.  Wow, I have to believe that all of heaven was paying attention tonight feelings as if the people God created in His image are finally "GETTING IT".  I believe with all my heart that the church is still God's plan to save the world and it was cool to be part of "The Church" in such a small way tonight.  If you are interested in joining us Sunday night for The Encounter then go to for more information and join us as we celebrate the theme, Make Us ONE...