Blurred Vision

I did a wedding today and like most weddings, 1 Corinthians 13 was read.  There is a lot in that chapter to take in but something about it today jumped out at me.  "Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror, then we shall see face to face.  Sometimes I think we get so frustrated at our view of life because we are not seeing it clearly.  We are seeing it like a poor reflection as in a mirror.  The imagery here is of a polished metal [probably bronze] mirror in which someone would only recieve an imperfect reflection.  With a face to face encounter we see so much clearer.  We are promised that one day we get to experience that clarity but are never promised here on earth that kind of clarity.  Yeah, we see glimpses of His greatness and His majesty and His mercy and the list goes on, but we will never "fully" see until we stand before Him.  Sometimes we get frustrated with the unknown when that lack of clarity should remind us of who He is.  How big he is.  How CAPABLE He is to bring us through.  Maybe the lack of clarity keeps us relying on Him instead of our own understanding.  I guess I am being challenged to embrace the mystery of my God that is seen everyday in my life and others, knowing I may not always know or understand what is happening or why it is happening but that God is revealing Himself in so many ways that only scratch the service of who he is.  Think about it...