Wow, I was amazed today as I drove around town the day after Christmas. I saw this family carrying bags and bags of christmas trash out to the curb where there was already at least 8 full bags of trash. Empty Christmas box's, wrapping paper, and food plates that were obviously signs of an amazing Christmas. Or was it. I love Christmas and I love getting gifts. I also enjoy watching my kids get the things they have wanted and have asked Santa for. However in the midst of it for whatever reason I'm reminded that no matter how much we get we will always want more. My kids are very grateful for what they get but sometimes I wonder if they "get" to much. When the comment made after opening a great Christmas present is, "do I have more presents to open?" something is wrong. [I had a talk with her by the way] It's not her fault, I think it's natural for us to want things and enjoy getting things. I just wish we/I gave more. I wish it was natural to want only what we need and give more to the needs of others. It's trendy lately to be green, to give more to those in need, and to support those attacking social injustice but will it really change the selfish nature in all of us? On a scale of 1 to 10 how are you doing in the area of self. If 1 is selfish and 10 is selfless then where are you? How do we truly die to self when everything around us screams self. I see it in me, and I don't like it. I see it in my kids and don't like it... has the abundance of things cause the problem to be greater... and would having less make us more thankful and giving...?

December 27, 2008 at 12:53 PM
So, where do you rate yourself? I think it depends on the day for me. I wish I could say that I was completely selfless, but it's far from the truth. I think we all have our "moments". What's bad is in ministry we set ourselves up for it. We can go above and beyond for a "trip" or "moment", then forget about the everyday "moments" that should mean the most. I think there are days that I am a 1, while others a 10. I think I need to strive for many more 10's.
December 28, 2008 at 6:28 PM
I think more times than not I miss the little things that God places to show me how much I truly have. A grateful and giving heart is a daily pursuit. Justin McRoberts has a song that says "He could see His father clearly through the nothing that he owned." Perspective. Its a great thing. Another great blog by Mudd!
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