For those of you who are not located in the Northwest Suburbs of Chicago, The Encounter may be something new to you. The Encounter is Community Worship night that happens twice a year. We started this event over 4 years ago with the heart to see God's Church come together for worship. Not just the local church but the Church big "C." This is video footage from the last Encounter in September. Just to celebrate what God is doing I thought I would post this. We had over 42 church's represented at this event with 8 worship pastors on stage, from 8 different church's, leading those people in worship. It was such an amazing night. We do have the potential to be the answer to Jesus prayer when he prayed in John 17:11 "so they may be one as we are one." What would happen if the mavericks out there stopped trying to do ministry by themselves and linked arms with men and woman from church's in their community to not only worship together, but live life together. Yes, the local church is still God's plan to reach our world... but it goes further than that. It has to. It's about the Church coming together like never before... or the Church coming together like "before"...
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