Blogging Again

Well, I thought I would attempt this whole blogging thing again.  I think I had unrealistic expectations the first time.  My plan was to blog each day, different thoughts and experiences I encounter on a given day.  Well as you can see that didn't happen.  Besides who wants to waste time reading random things I'm thinking or experiencing each day.  My goal this round is to simply sit down every Monday and share some ideas.  If you choose to come along on this journey with me that is awesome.  I do not want to arrogantly assume that anything I share here will radically change or touch your life.  I can't even say that is my intension for blogging.  I think I simply desire a place I can "get away" for a few moments in cyber world and express some thoughts and ideas that we seldom get to talk about.  So here are some things I will be sharing my opinion and thoughts on: Relational Stewardship.  God Talk - Where Is It? The Disease of Self - Part 2 among other interesting topics.  Well if anything it sounds exciting to me.  Enjoy your day and maybe we will encounter each other again next Monday.